Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Progress in plain view...

With each passing day the garden gets more and more lush... the nights are warmer and the days longer and sunnier!

After planning out and executing the majority of the garden work this year, its time sit back and relax and enjoy the growing season... either that or sit and contemplate what to do next... I am sure that there will always be things to expand upon later... that's the beauty of such and organic hobby!

I have decided to transplant and pot the prolific suckers from the staghorn sumacs (Rhus typhina)...

the ants are ever vigilant in protecting the peony flowers...

the buds on the virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) have exploded into lush green leaves... the sugar maples (Acer saccharum) of the forest have done the same...

the flowers of the fragrant sumac (Rhus aromatica) have blossomed...

apparently the fragrant sumac gets its name from the smell when you crush the the leaves, but the flowers give a very pleasant aroma...

at last, the big blue stem (Andropogon gerardii) has risen from its winter slumber!... all the other grasses have also survived the winter and have begun to shoot towards the sky...

the newly transplanted tall tickseed (Coreopsis tripteris) has taken well to its new home in the full sun... 

the dense blazing star, or gayfeather (Liatris spicata) has also shown its face despite expecting a certain winter death... they were planted in late fall from sickly clearance stock... 

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